Ferrol - Doniños

Ferrol - Doniños
↑↑Doniños - Ferrol↑↑

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Royal Air Force Museum

In my last visit to London I was at the Royal Air Force Museum, an awesome exhibition with a lot of airplanes. There were old and modern airplanes, but most of them were from the Second World War, like this Gloster Gladiator. Oh! And there is a bicycle right there ;)

A bicycle with and airplane in the Royal Air Force Museum on London

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Cycling in London

The last weekend I was in London with some friends to feel like a tourist. Pay for tickets and enjoy the views, usual tourist day, but suddenly we discovered that for 2£, only 2£, it's possible hire a bicycle for 24 hours!!! Then started the real weekend, discovering London from a bicycle.
Here you can see some photos

The Big Ben:

Cycle Hire, the same logo than other public transports (Underground, bus...):

A London payphone:

Dock station in Camden Town:

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

The Ad-Cycle

An Ad-Cycle in Stratford-upon-Avon.
The Shakespeare's hometown was crowed of old cycles!

An ad-bike in Stratford-upon-Avon

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Cycle-ambulances in Wolverhampton

Dos ciclo-ambulancias en una maratón celebrada en Wolverhampton, Inglaterra.

Two cycle-ambulances in a marathon in Wolverhampton, England.

Dos ciclo ambulancias en Wolverhampton